
Senior Services



You Thrive Florida. (YTF) has been designated as a Lead Agency in the Planning and Service Areas 3 and 6 (PSA 3 and 6) to provide services within Hernando, Lake, Polk, and Sumter counties. YTF intends to fulfill the legislatively mandated requirements through the issuance of a Request for Proposal (RFP) process for procuring subcontractors to provide services under the General Revenue and the Older American Act programs. The Department of Elder Affairs requires “Lead Agencies” to select vendors through a competitive bid process every six years. As such, the selected vendor and You Thrive Florida will negotiate a three-year agreement for the period of October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2027, with an option to renew for an additional three years.



The point of contact for all communications throughout this RFP process is as follows:  

Melanie Harrison 

Director (Senior Services) 

820 Kennedy Blvd.  

Brooksville, FL 34601 



RFP Adult Day Care (Click Here)

RFP Emergency Alert Response (Click Here)

RFP In-Home Supportive Services (Click Here)

RFP Food Vendor Services (Click Here)


MFCS 'Senior Services programs offer a wide array of services designed to support aging seniors in their efforts to live independently in their own homes, improving their ability to function and avoiding costly placement in long term care facilities.

Who is Eligible:

Persons 60 years of age and older. Additional eligibility requirements vary by program depending upon household income, level of functioning, and / or medical diagnosis (eg, Alzheimers).

Services Available:

  • In-home respite care
  • Homemaker services
  • Personal care services
  • Nutrition education
  • Congregate meals
  • Transportation to congregate meal sites
  • Home-delivered meals
  • Telephone reassurance
  • Emergency Alert Response
  • Information and referral


Case managed clients may be assessed a co-payment based upon ability to pay.


Services are supported through a variety of state and federal sources including:

  • Older American's Act (OAA);
  • Community Care for the Elderly (CCE);
  • Home Care for the Elderly (CCE);
  • Alzheimer's Disease Initiative (ADI) administered by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS),
  • Florida Department of Elder Affairs; and,
  • Area Agency on Aging (Elder Options).
2023 MOWA Member Badge

Contact Information: 


For more information about services, or to schedule an appointment call 352-796-1426.

Hours of Operation:   Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Locations:   Hernando, Lake, Polk, and Sumter Counties.


Volunteer Opportunities:

If you are interested in volunteering with MFCS 'Senior Services program, please contact:

  • Hernando / Sumter / Lake: (352) 796-1426
  • Polk: (863) 534-5326

Additional Resources:

Hernando County 2022-2023 Senior Directory prepared by 2-1-1 and United Way of Hernando County available here.

Looking for comprehensive information regarding care options and programs available in your area?  Access a free resource here. 

Paying for assisted living and home care in Florida

Paying for Assisted Living:  Financial Assistance for Senior Living

Seasoned Times

Medicare Plans Patient Resource Center

How Age Affects Weight Gain: 7 Factors You Need to Know

Affordable Health Insurance Guides:  Medicare

Affordable Health Insurance Guides:  Medicaid

Affordable Health Insurance Guides:  Health insurance for unemployed

Regulations and financial assistance for Alzheimer's and dementia care available in Florida


Caring.com: What is Assisted Living? 


Caring.com: What is Memory Care? 


Caring.com: What is In-Home Care and How Much Does it Cost? 


Caring.com: Caregiving Resource Center


Senior Advice Articles

Looking to get educated about Cardiovascular Disease and made aware of this groundbreaking research? Access resources here.


Did you know that you can support the Senior Services program through Amazon Smile?  Check out our "Supporting Seniors Charity List" to see how you can help!




Success Stories
The client needed immediate help ...

Ms. Christine is a 64 year old female who was referred to MFCS due to self-neglect. 

During the initial assessment, we found that Ms. Christine was unable to complete most of her Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) due to declining health and mobility conditions. She also needed immediate assistance cleaning her home, and with personal care because she was unable to take baths without assistance.  Mid Florida Community Services immediately put Homemaking and Personal Care services in place provided by Families Come First. Initially, Ms. Christine was very hesitant about having MFCS staff in her home. 

By the 30 day visit, the case manager noticed a change in both her appearance and attitude.  Ms. Christine was very grateful and appreciative of the services being provided.  Over the course of several weeks, Ms. Christine's self-esteem increased and she was able to live independently with dignity, avoiding placement in a nursing home.


Success Stories
Success Stories
Pets on Wheels Volunteer

Edith “Edie” Wilson is the driving force behind the “Pets on Wheels” program, which is a small grant administered by Meals on Wheels of America to provide dog/cat food to seniors throughout Hernando County. In 2015, Edie logged 1,397 hours and packaged 3,662 pounds of dog/cat food, feeding an average of 107 pets per month.

 Ongoing research suggests that pets not only provide companionship, but also have a positive impact on overall senior health to include an emotional/psychological component. Without Edie’s selfless dedication, these seniors may not be able to keep their beloved pets or they may choose to go hungry themselves and feed their pets the food delivered for them by our Meals-on-Wheels program.

 As a testament to Edie’s devotion to the program, the recent loss of her husband did not slow her down. Instead, she honored the memory of her husband by continuing to compassionately serve others.



Success Stories
Success Stories
Connecting service

Mr. David does not have any local friends or family to assist him and found himself in the situation of having his electricity disconnected and was without a phone to seek assistance for himself. Our case manager went to the client's home and was able to call the electric company and advocate on his behalf. As a result, Mr. David was given an extension to pay the electric bill, giving the case manager time to arrange for the client to receive electric assistance from a local community agency. With the assistance of the case manager and the provider aide Mr. David was able to complete his paperwork for electricity service and subsequently received assistance through the Salvation Army.  His electricity was restored the same day, preventing him from going days or weeks without service.


Success Stories